Tuesday 2 August 2016

Trump calls Hillary Clinton ‘the devil

Donald Trump launched a familiar attack against Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday, saying the lawmaker from Vermont made an arrangement that he shouldn't have when he decided to support Hillary Clinton for president. But this time, his word choice was more aggressively critical of Clinton.

"He made a deal with the devil. She's the devil," Trump said of Sanders and Clinton.
Trump made his comments at an evening rally here. He steered clear of the firestorm over his criticism of the Muslim American parents of an Army officer killed in Iraq 12 years ago. Trump drew forceful criticism Monday for his attacks from decorated combat veterans, members of Congress and family members of slain soldiers. The blowback to his criticism has been bipartisan.

Trump's running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, was questioned at a Nevada event by a military mother who asked whether he would confront Trump over the "disrespect" Trump has shown to veterans and Khzir and Ghazala Khan, the parents of Capt. Humayun Khan. She was booed by the crowd.

Pence, who has a son in the Marines, politely fielded the question and praised the woman's son for serving. He argued that Trump has the back of the military and veterans.
Many of the mogul's supporters who showed up here in Pennsylvania seemed unfazed by the controversies involving other Trump remarks, many of which have stoked criticism from Clinton and other Democrats and Republicans. Among them: his praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin and his calls for Russia to retrieve and post Clinton's private emails.

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