Thursday 11 August 2016

Donald Trump calls Barack Obama the ‘founder of Isis’

Donald Trump has described President Barack Obama as “the founder of Isis”, and said his rival Hillary Clinton was the “co-founder” of the fundamentalist organisation as he intensified his attacks on the Democratic Party.

Mr Trump’s remarks came 24 hours after he generated widespread outrage by suggesting to supporters that shooting Ms Clinton may be the only way to stop her seeking gun controls.
Speaking at a rally in Sunrise, Florida, Mr Trump said: “We unleashed fury all over the Middle East and it was a terrible mistake. And then Obama came in and normally you want to clean up. He made a bigger mess out of it. He made such a mess. And then you had Hillary with Libya, so sad.”
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Mr Trump then repeated his claim that the president had founded the jihadi militant organisation three times. 
“In fact, in many respects, you know they honour President Obama, Isis is honouring President Obama. He is the founder of Isis. He is the founder of Isis. He’s the founder. He founded Isis.
“And I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton. Co-founder. Crooked Hillary Clinton.”
The crowd in Florida chanted “lock her up”, in agreement with the former reality TV star.

In addition to claiming Mr Obama had founded the Islamist group, Mr Trump referred to the president by his full name – Barack Hussein Obama – which critics have said is an attempt to imply that Mr Obama is a Muslim.

Mr Trump has previously suggested Mr Obama is a Muslim - a claim echoed by Mr Trump’s New York campaign co-chair Carl Paladino, who last week said of the president: “In the mind of the average American, there is no doubt he is a Muslim. He is not a Christian.”

It is not the first time Mr Trump has blamed the current US administration for the creation of Isis.
On 17 July, Mr Trump said: “Hillary Clinton invented Isis with her stupid policies.”
Earlier this month Mr Trump directly accused Ms Clinton of being “the devil”.

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