Friday 8 July 2016

Scientists just invented a device that produces "non-stopwine.

Researchers have developed a miniature device capable of producing an endless supply of wine on the spot, by fermenting plain old grape juice with the help of some strategically placed yeast.
This "micro winery", currently being trialled by American and Swiss scientists, can turn grape juice into alcoholic wine in the space of just 1 hour - way faster than conventional winemaking in barrels, which can sometimes take weeks.
The micro winery was developed by researcher Daniel Attinger from Iowa State University, and despite its obvious appeal, it's more of a research tool than the next big device for your kitchen (damn). Attinger, whose research area is multiphase microfluidics, invented the system to help wine experts and winemakers improve their understanding of fermentation processes.
Wine is traditionally made by adding yeast to barrels of grape juice, but this fermentation process typically takes from one to three weeks to complete. With the micro winery, the same reaction takes place in a much more confined space, dramatically speeding up the process.
Yeast is stored in small compartments and is released into a main channel containing grape juice, through a thin membrane perforated with nanopores.
When the yeast and grape juice combine, the yeast absorbs the sugar and releases alcohol and carbon dioxide – much like in barrel wine – but the first sample is available in just 1 hour instead of taking weeks.
That rapid turnaround time could make a world of difference for commercial winemakers, who may want to experiment with new ingredients or methods without having to wait around for weeks to sample the results.
"Let's say a winemaker in the Lavaux region of Switzerland finds that a certain type of yeast or a certain fermentation temperature leads to an overly bitter wine. We could quickly test alternatives,"
said Attinger. "At a traditional winery, it takes weeks to separate the yeast from the wine, because they're mixed together. That's not a problem here.....

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