Friday 11 November 2016

Hillary Clinton Dances With Ellen DeGeneres, Amy Schumer.

Hundreds of people watched Hillary Clinton learn how to do the Nae Nae in New York's Rockefeller Center on Tuesday.

The Democratic presidential candidate taped an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, in which DeGeneres' DJ taught her how to do the popular dance, which she did alongside DeGeneres.

Clinton tries to Nae Nae in the final 15 seconds of the video below from the Associated Press' coverage of the taping.

This week, the L.A.-based DeGeneres is taping some episodes of her syndicated talk show from an open-air stage at Rockefeller Center, marking the first time episodes of her show have been taped in New York since 2007.

Clinton also talked about Kanye West's recent announcement that he plans to run for president in 2020, saying, according to Yahoo TV, "I would only ask him, if I were to be running for reelection, just wait."

According to the Associated Press, the Democratic presidential candidate also talked about the controversy over her using a private email account while she was secretary of state, with her again apologizing and insisting she didn't violate any State Department regulations.

"I made a mistake, and I'm sorry for all the confusion that has ensued," Clinton said. The Democratic front-runner also promised to fight for equal rights as president, recalling how after she got married she applied for a credit card but was told she couldn't have one of her own.

"I would have to use my husband's," she said, according to the AP. "And I was making more money than he was!"

DeGeneres also seemed to endorse Clinton, telling her, "You are the smartest and most qualified person for this job."

Clinton, 67, also had a swift comeback when asked about the fact that if she's elected she'd be one of the oldest presidents to take office.

"The way I look at it, I would be the youngest woman elected president."

Clinton's appearance will air on Thursday's show.

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