Wednesday 21 September 2016

US Pastor Call For Paedophiles,Gays And Adulterers To Be Killed.

Most African countries have laws against homosexuality. Perhaps US pastor Steven Anderson thought he would be welcomed in Botswana with open arms.
The Tempe, Arizona pastor managed to enter the country, and get on the radio there. On the air, he said the people killed at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, this summer were "disgusting homosexuals who the Bible says were worthy of death".

AFP reports that he was speaking to Gabz FM on Tuesday morning. He criticised "drunkenness and alcoholism" in Botswana, and repeated his views on homosexuality, calling a gay guest on the show "disgusting".
"He should be killed," the pastor said.
Anderson reportedly also used the interview to call for paedophiles and adulterers to be killed and to say that the Bible barred women from preaching in church. He also claimed that he had reached Botswana by way of Ethiopia.

 Police then arrived at the radio station and initiated a deportation procedure.
"He was picked up at the radio station. I said they should pick him up and show him out of the country," Botswana's president, Ian Khama, said in an interview with Reuters. "We don't want hate speech in this country. Let him do it in his own country."
Ironically, Botswana criminalises homosexuality. Although the law is seldom enforced, homosexual acts can be punished with a large fine or up to seven years of imprisonment.

Anderson has said that his planned Africa tour is a "soul-winning marathon" and is not focused on demonising gays and lesbians.
The Christian preacher arrived in Botswana last Thursday for a "soul-winning" event, just days after he was banned from visiting neighbouring South Africa over his characterisation of gays as "sodomites" and "paedophiles."
According to a Reuters report, Anderson denied that he was being deported. On his church's Facebook page, he said his brief visit to Botswana was a success.

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