Wednesday 14 September 2016

The Rock and Vin Diesel Are Beefing Bigtime on the Set of ‘Fast 8’

Bald bruiser movie stars Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Vin Diesel have been butting domes on the set of “Fast and Furious 8” and the two met Tuesday to clear the air after the confrontation publicly exploded this week.

On Monday The Rock went on an Instagram rant to vent that his blood was “boiling” over unnamed “candy ass,” “chicken s–t” male co-stars in the film who don’t, “conduct themselves as stand up men and professionals.” The film, which is close to wrapping production, also stars Scott Eastwood, Jason Statham and Vin Diesel — but sources confirmed to Page Six that the target of Johnson’s wrath was Diesel.

“Vin Diesel and the Dwayne Johnson have been butting heads throughout the production of ‘Fast 8,’” a source told Page Six. “Vin has a reputation for being difficult — he shows up late, keeps people waiting, holds up production and is disrespectful to people on the set. Dwayne lost his patience with him.”

The source added that, “they did have a meeting to try to clear the air on Tuesday.” On Wednesday, Diesel finished his final scene in the film, while Johnson was reportedly scheduled to finish his part in the film a day later.
Diesel’s also a producer of the hit franchise, and TMZ reported that Johnson was also unhappy with some of the decisions he’d made on the set.
Meantime, Diesel’s gained a rep in Hollywood for being difficult on sets. A source who’s worked with him on other productions told us: “He was constantly late… He acted like a diva and has held up productions before, so it’s not surprising that he’s the one The Rock is calling out.”

But other sources have insisted it was Johnson who was chronically late, which ticked off Diesel.

Johnson angrily posted of the film this week: “My female co-stars are always amazing… My male co-stars however are a different story. Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals… The ones that don’t are too chicken s–t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses.”

Reps for the warring actors did not comment.

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