Wednesday 15 March 2017

Robert Kelly's Live BBC Interview Gatecrashed by Kids.

Live television always leaves room for hilarious gaffes - which is exactly what happened when a BBC debate on South Korea was interrupted by the interviewee's children.

The hilarious footage shows expert Robert Kelly, an associate professor of Political Science at Pusan National University in Busan, handling serious questions on the country's president, Park Geun-hye, being ousted from power.

But suddenly, a toddler bursts into the room in a bright yellow top and performs a comical dance behind the Cleveland, Ohio, native.

Kelly, 44, who was born and studied in the US before moving to Korea as a political science professor, focuses entirely on the camera as he attempts to blindly hand off his daughter, who is clearly curious as to who he is talking to.

And his parental problems soon double as a baby also excitedly makes his way into the room under his own power in a walker.
To complete the farce, his wife Jung-a Kim then comes skidding through the threshold.
She grabs the two youngsters and attempts to drag them out of the door, but one of them can be heard wailing and the baby's walker suddenly won't fit back through the door.

Eventually, she manages to get them both out, and the interview continues.

When the interview finishes, broadcaster James Mernendez says: "There's a first time for everything. I think you've got some children who need you!"

And after the segment had finished, the presenter admitted on Twitter that he had struggled to keep it together.

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