Friday 10 March 2017

Eating Yogurt May Help You Curb Symptoms of Depression Naturally.

Eating Yogurt May Help You Curb Symptoms of Depression Naturally
The increasing number of people falling prey to depression these days is not only alarming but also a cause of great medical and societal concern. The World Health Organization (WHO) considers depression as the fourth leading cause of disability worldwide, and expects it to become the second leading cause by 2020.

 Depression is a major mood disorder, which succumbs its victim into feeling empty from within. Many people often commit the blunder of ignoring the symptoms of depression as just a by-product of 'feeling low'. But if this low feeling starts hindering your daily activities like sleeping, working and eating, then it can be a cause of major concern. One must head for treatment at the soonest in such cases.

However, there is a lot you can do to battle depression on a personal level too. Like talking to friends and family to vent your anxieties or indulging in recreational activities to keep your spirits up. A recent study suggests having yogurt can also help ease the symptoms of depression

The Study Conducted by the Team

In the study, conducted on mice, the researchers have discovered a specific mechanism for how the lactobacillus bacteria affect mood, providing a direct link between the health of the gut microbiome and mental health.

For the study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, the team induced depression symptoms in mice to analyse their composition of the gut microbiome and found that the major change was the loss of lactobacillus. With the loss of lactobacillus came the onset of depression symptoms. Conversely, feeding the mice lactobacillus with their food returned them to almost normal, the researchers said.

"A single strain of lactobacillus, is able to influence mood," Gaultier observed.
In addition, the study found that the amount of lactobacillus in the gut affects the level of a metabolite in the blood -- called kynurenine -- which has been shown to drive depression. When lactobacillus was diminished in the gut, the levels of kynurenine went up -- and depression symptoms set in.

While there is no harm in people with depression eating yogurt, people receiving treatment for depression should not stop taking their medications without consulting their physicians, the researchers suggested. Based on the findings, the researchers plan to begin studying the effect in humans as soon as possible.

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